Churdan library board supports casino vote

To the editor,

In 2013, when the vote to approve gaming for Greene County was held, little did the citizens of Churdan, all of Greene County, and contiguous counties realize the importance and vast opportunities that the proceeds created by the casino provided. One only has to look around the county and neighboring counties to see the variety of projects that would not have been completed—libraries, parks, fire safety, and even town celebrations.

For example, in the fall of 2013, the Churdan public library board decided to take on the daunting task of renovating and adding on to the library building. However, they soon discovered brick and mortar (building) grants for libraries are difficult to find.

The library was familiar with the grants provided by the Greene County Community Foundation and looked to Grow Greene County as an opportunity to raise funds more quickly for their project. After receiving a first grant from Grow Greene County and grants from two other foundations they began in earnest to let bids for the project. 

The board soon learned they would need more funding. With a second Grow Greene Grant and the continued support of the community, ground was broken in the spring of 2018, way ahead of the projected 7-10 years usually needed to raise such funding. The board is very pleased that Grow Greene County saw the need and potential for the improvement of the library.

The Churdan public library board of trustees appreciates the support we have received through funds from Wild Rose Casino and Grow Greene County.

Shari Minnehan, Churdan, IA

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